Thursday 18 March 2010

The artist featured in this article is the amazing Cheryl Cole which had an amazing career with girls group girls aloud and now also everyone’s favourite judge on a Saturday night the X Factor.which suggests that the target audience are teenagers interested pop and Rock which fits in with the age group 19 – 24 year olds as its target audience. The type of language used in the article mixed combination of formal and informal language the language is not to sophisticated which makes it is very easy to understand. This conveys that the article targets audience which have a decent understanding of the English language and a good standard of reading ability it is also mixed with different levels of English vocabulary which would also appeal to a wider range of audience those with a higher and not so English understanding. The artist featured in this article is Cheryl Cole she in this article is used to draw the attention for more people to pick up the magazine predominately males.
The text is an interview and is structured in paragraphs the voice of the interviewer is formal and academic. However this is contrasted with Cheryl Cole’s colloquial dialogue that appears very genuine and down-to-earth, particularly phrases such as ‘Crap’ and isn’t scared to speak the truth. This difference in language would attract the audience as it would emphasize honest attitude of Cheryl Cole , allowing them to like her because she shows that she is very truthful and straight forward. background information that is significant for the reader to know to ensure they comprehend the points Cheryl makes in her interview. There are sections of the article that carry a humorous tone to engage the reader, such as ‘we cannot put that crap out its something busted would do‘. This would please the audience and persuade them to continue reading the general tone of the article addresses the reader as an informed intelligent fan. The article is set out this way to appeal to the some what intellectually male audience.
The article consists of many quotations by Cheryl Cole’s the text is clear to read, not bold, but still contrasted from the white background. The colours of black and red are clear to read the colours are reiterated as red black and white to establish the power she has. Black represents the music-style of the artist as well of the magazine There is bold letter C that initiates the change of topic in the article which is bright read in a white background which suggests that it was something that the magazine wanted the audience to identify. The text for the titles is arranged normally which could suggest that it’s a article that has no hidden messages and structured in a mature and ordered manner which could suggest her character. The actual article information is arranged in columns to add a sense of formality to it and abide by the unspoken rules of layout for magazines.
Cheryl Cole is presented as being this rough strong woman and also expressed as a ‘Rock chick’ in both images shown in the magazine. About half of the article is dominated by images of Cheryl Cole, again to emphasize her great sex appeal and show her in a ‘rockstar’ light ‘I don’t know what I look like any more’ is very ambiguous it could suggest that she don’t know who she as a person is however it could also convey that she is confused about her image her emotions and life style identity. This anchorage text has a very meaningful effect to the magazine and article and would draw many people into what she could be meaning. The main image is a mid-shot of Cheryl Cole is in direct form of address with the reader which is evident from the strong eye-contact but also in a devilish tone . Her shadowy appearance reflects the image on the front cover of the magazine, however this contact is a stern one perhaps to show her fear confusion and uneasiness with her emotions. The other image Q has taken this ‘new image’ idea and made her into a rockstar she looks comfortable more fierce and powerful.

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